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How To Elevate Your Leadership Through

Education, Elevation, Vision, & Accountability


New Levels


Learn from Bobbie's personal experiences as a principal and discuss how education, elevation, vision, and accountability will help you as a school leader embrace the evolving fast-paced world of education and elevate you to new levels. Each chapter in this book is its own individual floor.

What Will

I Learn On Each Floor?

Hold on to the rails as you leave the lobby and learn the importance of being a life-long learner in an ever-changing global society. You will discover how to responsibly use your leadership superpowers to navigate through the new normal while nourishing the soul of your organization.


As you travel to the second floor, learn strategies to develop and build the self-efficacy of your teacher leaders. I will share stories from my time as a principal about ways in which I developed novice teachers and the impact it had on their self-efficacy.


Continue your travels to the third floor where you will become aware of the value of using visualization to help you establish a solid and clear vision. On this floor, you will get a glimpse at how using visualization and explaining the ‘why’ behind your vision can shift your organization in the right direction.


Keep rising even higher and discover why holding yourself and your stakeholders accountable is crucial to having a highperformance culture. You will learn the importance of having courageous conversations, inspecting what you expect, and how to handle top down decisions in front of your staff. I will also share how I inspired my teachers to hold themselves accountable while performing at high levels.


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Dr. Mills In Action

Best Practices for
Transforming Schools and Lives:
A Conversation with
Dr. Bobbie Mills
Dr. Bobbie Mills's
Inspiring Journey with
Mitchell Rivers 

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